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Beat System

Beat System   (Germany)

EuroDance group
Added : 06/04/2000

Dance Romance
Dance Romance chapter II
Stay With Me
No Limit '97
What's Going On (In Your Mind)
93 1994 1995 1996 1997

Latest Beat System news

11/02/2017 : Tony T and Alba Kras re-recorded Beat System's hit version of Fresh and released it under name Beatsystem Project.

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Beat System albums

Refreshiator Refreshiator 16th Jul 1997


Beat System singles

Dance Romance Dance Romance 1994  
Dance Romance chapter II Dance Romance chapter II 30th May 1994  
Stay With Me Stay With Me 13th Feb 1995  
Fresh Fresh 8th Mar 1996  
Reggaenight Reggaenight 15th Aug 1996  
No Limit '97 No Limit '97 1997  
What's Going On (In Your Mind) What's Going On (In Your Mind) 14th Mar 1997  


Beat System remixes

Fresh Fresh 1996  
What's Going On (In Your Mind) What's Going On (In Your Mind) 1997  



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Beat System biography

Beat System featured performers Neal Antone Dyer (Tony T), born in London in 1971, as rapper, and various female vocalists (Martina Sres, Patty, Jay Babe, G. Fascina...). They released 5 singles, under Intercord label, all of them very succesful in Germany and Western Europe.

Their first single Dance Romance was released in 1994, in 2 versions (called chapters). The vocals were done by Patty. It was arranged and written by C. Kowatsch and Wormit, mixed By Richard Taylor.

Stay With Me, their best single, was written and produced by Axel Breitung and C. Kowatsch, produced by Black Nero, released in 1995. Vocals were probably done by Christine Eiben.

The following singles were produced by C. Kowatsch, Wormit and Ulrich Dienes. In March 1996 an "euro-rap" combination called Fresh was out : a cover of the Kool and the Gang hit, with raps of Tony T and vocals of G. Fascina, including a B-side entitled Call My Name. A summer-remixes CD was released in June.

The same year was released Reggaenight, a cover of the Jimmy Cliff hit. The single was recorded still with Tony T, but with the vocalist Jay Babe. Jay Babe (her real name is Janet Puzic) had been living with Tony T since 1994. They met during the summer of 1994 in Düsseldorf in a Disco called Rheingoldsaal. Janet was born in 1972 in the bosnian part of Sarajevo. She had come to Düsseldorf in 1992 to make studies of anglistic and media science.

Their last single to be released was What's Going On in March 1997, with a remixes CD released 2 months later. The same year, a very confidential and rare album was released : it was called Refreshiator.

Another Beat System project, produced in Germany too, released an eurodance single called Lights Of America.

And a third project with the same name, absolutely not related, released some singles such as Don't Hold Back On Love (1990), To A Brighter Day, or The Noise Dance.

A fourth one, produced by Adams and Fleisner production (Video Kids, Digital Emotion, X-Ray Connection), released a single called Protect This Beat.

Thanks to DJ Aaron "Euromaster", Alexander Melnik, Ivo Ivanov, Alex Capilé, Andrew-FK and WebDJs

Beat System biography was last updated Mon, September 23rd 2019

Charts (singles)

Austria Belgium
Fresh #29 #37
Reggaenight #36




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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