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Bang Gang singles
Love Is The Message | 1995 |
Bang Gang Night | 1995 |
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Bang Gang biography
Belgian trio made out of the following members : Mike, Serge G. and Little Milk. They started their first band together with rapper B.B. Jerome in the early 1990's as B.B. Jerome & The Bang Gang. Once B.B. left they tried their luck without him but the success the group had in the early years was no longer there.
Bang Gang Night featured the vocals and raps of Conchita Leeflang. Rap lyrics were done by Tony Kabea. Backing vocals were done by Guy Waku, Conchita, Serge, Mike, Little Milk & Tony Kabea. The single was a cover of Jimmy Cliff's Reggae Night. It was released under Rowyna Music / Groove Syndicate, produced by Fred Fraikin (who produced the second album of the French project L5) & Guy Waku (a producer born in Congo, who had already worked with Frédéric François, François Feldman, Peter Gabriel, Kassav...) for the Groove Syndicate Production, engeneered and mixed by Fred Fraikin. The executive producers were Olivier Fraikin & Dimitri Kontogiannis.
In 1995, a second single was released, entitled Love Is The Message. Executive producers were Olivier Fraikin and Dimitri Kontogiannis. It was produced by Fred Fraikin and Guy Waku, recorded and mixed by Fred Fraikin. It featured vocals by Gery, the Bang Gang, Guy Waku and Shiri. It was written by Shiri, G. Waku, F. Fraikin and Little Milk.
No relationship with the project Bang Gang which stands behind the trance and electro tracks You, I Like To Move it or Nice 'N' Sleazy, nor with the disco group The Bang Gang which released some tracks in 1982 (Fill Me Up, Street Music).
Later, Fred Fraikin & Guy Waku kept on producing artists, such as Jean-Louis Daulne and Ophélie Winter.
Thanks to Broder Tuck, reBeL and Necronomic
Bang Gang biography was last updated Thu, August 5th 2021
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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