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Antares   (Italy)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

Ride On A Meteorite
You Belong To Me
Let Me Be Your Fantasy
Whenever You Want Me
I Want Your Love
Ride On A Meteorite
Ride On A Meteorite
Ride On a Meteorite
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Antares news

09/05/2024 : Earmake did a remix for Antares' hit Ride On A Meteorite

06/05/2012 : Antares and NDS vs Tom E released new remixes of the hit Ride On a Meteorite. (Thanks to Eurodance Blog)

05/09/2004 : The Polish project D-tune recently released a remix of Antares' Ride On A Meteorite.

More news


Antares singles

Ride On A Meteorite Ride On A Meteorite 27th Jan 1995  
You Belong To Me You Belong To Me 19th Sep 1995  
Let Me Be Your Fantasy Let Me Be Your Fantasy 6th Feb 1996  
Whenever You Want Me Whenever You Want Me 15th Oct 1996  
I Want Your Love I Want Your Love 1st Apr 1997  
Ride On A Meteorite Ride On A Meteorite (vs Bigroom Society) Aug 2006  
Ride On A Meteorite Ride On A Meteorite (with Nds vs Tom E) 15th Apr 2012  


Antares remixes

Ride On A Meteorite Ride On A Meteorite 1995  
Whenever You Want Me Whenever You Want Me 1996  


Featurings and collaborations

Ride On a Meteorite Earmake - Ride On a Meteorite 5th May 2024  


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Antares biography

Musical team : Walter Cremonini, Alessandro Gilardi and the D.J. Riccardo Romanini
Label : Italian Style Records

Antares was the name chosen by Giacomo Maiolini on this particular project for which cooperate "a french vocalist of great and different musical experiences" (rumors say it was rather Clara Moroni), the team Walter Cremonini, Alessandro Gilardi and the D.J. Riccardo Romanini, the rapper Asher Senator (already known in the eighties and now come back on the music scenes). Time Records was the home for Usura, Jinny, Deadly Sins, Silvia Coleman, Carol Bailey.

Ride On A Meteorite, Antares' first single, was released in Italy in January 1995. It was out in Europe during the Spring, reached in France number 25 in the national top sales charts. Emmanuella Gubinelli (aka Taleesa) was credited in the songwriting, as well as R. Arduini, and D. Abaribi. The second rap verse ("This old man, he played one...") came actually from an English nursery rhyme : This Old Man.

The follow up You Belong To Me, released during Autumn 1995, was also very successful, reaching # 4. A remixes CD was released on the 2nd of January 1996. It was even covered by 2 other euro projects : Comet and Antenn MC.

It was followed by the song Let Me Be Your Fantasy which was also a big success, with a remixes CD including a Sputnik mix, an Apollo Mix and a Cosmo mix and a few other remixes of You Belong To Me. The follow-up to this single was Whenever You Want Me, a single without the male rap. Then, in 1997, they released the very housy I Want Your Love, once again without any rap.

In a French musical magazine, the group was presented differently : 2 French girls (Aurore and Sophie) and a French rapper (Eric Vincent). This was actually a dancers team, for performances in France. Eric Vincent also appeared on the covers of volumes 11 and 12 of compilations La Plus Grande Discothèque du Monde.

The single Bright Side Of The Sun was released in May 1995 in Germany, in the beginning of 1996 in France, by a German group, so probably no relationship with the eurodance project. The sound was hardtrance.

2002 : Seikos pres. Hyper released a cover version of Antares' mega hit Ride On A Meteorite.

2006 : a remix version of Ride On A Meteorite was released as Antares vs Bigroom Society (previously known as Antares vs Clubraiders). The vinyl contained 3 mixes. It entered the Austrian DJ charts at the end of August.

Nowadays, Eric Vincent performs as a member of Brown Sugar band and also appears in various shows on French TV. Aurore Stauder works as choreographers, stage director and artist director.

Time Records
Thanks to grof pl., Giant Panda, Klems and Necronomic

Antares biography was last updated Sun, November 12th 2017

Charts (singles)

Ride On A Meteorite #25
You Belong To Me #33




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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