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Angel Simone

Angel (Simone)   (Netherlands)

EuroDance group
Added : 12/03/2002

Makes Me Wanna Dance
When Love Rules The World
Let This Feeling
Walk On Water
90 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Latest Simone Angel news

22/09/2009 : Simone Angel's hit Let This Feeling was covered by Almighty records project Belle Lawrence (thanks to eurodance blog).

25/01/2009 : Tavi Meran interviewed Simone Angel. Listen to the interview here...

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Simone Angel singles

Makes Me Wanna Dance Makes Me Wanna Dance 1991  
When Love Rules The World When Love Rules The World 1991  
Let This Feeling Let This Feeling 12th Aug 1993  
Walk On Water Walk On Water 10th Jul 1994  
Contact Contact 27th Apr 2000  



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Simone Angel biography

Her real name is Simone Engeln. She was born December 25, 1971 in Woerden.

She had her very first record deal in Holland as she was only 15. Her first single was entitled Makes Me Wanna Dance. Then came When Love Rules The World.

Her most well-known single is with no doubt Let This Feeling. Released in 1993, after she moved to London, it was produced by Pete Hammond. The B-side When Love Rules The World was produced by M. Roosink and N. Verrips for Big Bang Productions. Cappella did some remixes for the single. The follow-up Walk On Water was also very successful.

Apart from her singer carreer, she was a VJ on MTV Europe (when she started, she was the youngest VJ of the channel) : she presented during 9 years the broadcast Partyzone, then MTV Dance . Then she presented the shows Simone's Beach Party and Hanging Out, contributed to the serie European Life for ITV. She also presented during an entire season the show Countdown on Veronica. More recently, she appeared in the summer program De Heetste Plekjes. She was a part of the jury of the German version of the real-TV show Popstar, in 2000/2001, the year when No Angels were discovered. She was later asked to take part to another Popstar season, but she couldn't accept since she just had a baby.

She left her records company because she refused the shoot a video for a demo song she had once recorded and that she absolutely did not like.

2005 : Simone got married with Andy Hunt (a pro soccer player). They own the Belize resort Jungle Dome.

2008 : she nowadays lives in Aruba with her husband and their 2 boys, Lucas and Aidan. Since May, she's been hosting a radio show on Cool FM, called Weekend Express, every Saturday morning. Simone is also working with a charity through the Jaden Foundation, aimed at improving the education for the children of Belize.

2009 : Simone sings in a band called RetroMatic. Her hit Let This Feeling was covered by Almighty records project Belle Lawrence

Thanks to Vision and Tavi Meran

Simone Angel biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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