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Ally and Jo

Ally and Jo   (Italy)

AKA : Ally & Jo
EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Holding You
Nasty Girl
In The Zodiac (Stars Say You'll Be Mine)
94 1995 1996 1997 1998

Latest Ally and Jo news

21/07/2022 : Annerley Gordon was interviewed by Erik Rizzato about her contribution to Ally & Jo project, revealing or confirming the identity of the second vocalists who took part to the vocals

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Ally and Jo singles

The Lion Sleeps Tonight The Lion Sleeps Tonight 19th Feb 1995  
Holding You Holding You 26th Jun 1996  
Nasty Girl Nasty Girl 1997  
In The Zodiac (Stars Say You'll Be Mine) In The Zodiac (Stars Say You'll Be Mine) 6th Apr 1998  



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Ally and Jo biography

Producer : Davide Riva .

According to the project's official biography Ally and Jo were two plucky girls who became friends after meeting in a bookshop, where they were both in the process of buying the same book by Stephen King. They soon discovered that, apart from the well-known writer of horror stories, they also shared a passion for singing and discos. It was a natural step to combine their extraordinary vocal talents and the results didn't escape the ears of the producers, Larry Pignagnoli and Davide Riva. The choice of the first single, a remake of the classic The Lion Sleeps Tonight, in dance-club style, was an idea of Ally's, who said that she kept hearing a seventies version of the song at the hairdresser's and couldn't get it out of her system.

Followed 2 other hits, Nasty Girl and Holding You. Their fourth and last single was released 1998, it was entitled In The Zodiac (Stars Say You'll Be Mine). No tour or any live appearances were made. No videoclips where shot.

On of the voices belonged to Annerley Gordon and she even appeared on the covers. The name Ally was a short form of her first name : her sisters always called her Ally. Her full name even appeared on the credits of Holding You (her favourite Ally & Jo single). Annerley recently revealed that the second voice on The Lion Sleeps Tonight and Nasty Girl actually belonged to singer Antonella Pepe. The second girl on the sleeves was actually a dancer, who was casted because she was almost the same height as Annerley, and had impressed her with her happy and bubbly temper. Jo was the short form of her real name.

Then for the third single Nasty Girl, Annerley teamed in studio with Dhany, who was also credited among the songwriters of the single (some fans even believed it was her on the single's sleeve photo...). On the last single In The Zodiac, the second voice belonged to Samantha Boni.

© Eurodancemix
Energy Productions

Ally and Jo biography was last updated Thu, July 21st 2022




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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