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Summer Is Crazy



6th May 1996 7 tracks Viewed 2410 times

1 Summer Is Crazy (Radio Mix)  
2 Summer Is Crazy (Night Fly Mix)  
3 Summer Is Crazy (Blue Mix)  
4 Summer Is Crazy (Classic Euro Mix)  
5 Summer Is Crazy (Radio Jingle 1)  
6 Summer Is Crazy (Radio Jingle 2)  
7 Summer Is Crazy (Radio Jingle 3)  


production, songwriting : Roberto Zanetti

Versions & labels (10)

DWA Records DWA 96.01 Italy
Dance Pool DAN 663521 2 (CD, Maxi) Germany
Dance Pool 663486 2 (CD, Maxi, Car) Germany
Blanco Y Negro BNCD 734 (CD, Maxi) Spain
Blanco Y Negro MX 734 (12") Spain
Panic Records 575 000-2 (CD, Single, Car) France
Panic Records 575 001-1 (12", Maxi) France
ZYX Music ZYX 8357-8 (CD, Maxi) Germany
Numuzik NU-276 (12", Maxi) Canada
Numuzik NUCD-276 (CD, Maxi) Canada


#36 in Austria
#1 in Finland
#31 in France
#1 in Italy
#1 in Poland
#1 in Spain
#25 in Switzerland

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