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You're My Heart, You're My Soul

Modern Talking


Mar 1998 5 tracks Viewed 1646 times

1 You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Modern Talking Mix '98)  
2 You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Classic Mix '98)  
3 You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Modern Talking Mix '98)  
4 You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Original Short Mix '84)  
5 You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Original Long Mix '84)  


raps : Eric Singleton
production, composition, songwriting : Dieter Bohlen
co production : Luis Rodriguez
lead vocals : Thomas Anders

Versions & labels (2)

Mega Records MRCS 2017 (7'') Denmark
Mega Records MRCX 1217 (12'') Denmark

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