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1 | Let The Night Take The Blame | ||
2 | Fashion |
lead vocals : Alexiaproduction : Alessandro Angeletti
production : Claudio Mingardi
production : Riccardo Salani
production : Claudio Malatesti
production : Gianluca Vivaldi
lead vocals : Alexia on Fashion
Versions & labels (7)
DWA Records DWA 00.80Blanco Y Negro MX-383 (12")
Airplay Records 861689-2 (CD, Maxi)
Airplay Records 861 688-2 (CD, Single, Car)
Airplay Records 861 689-1 (12")
ZYX Music ZYX 6950-8 (CD, Maxi)
ZYX Music ZYX 6950-12 (12")