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1 | Number One (V.O.T.U Club Mix) | ||
2 | Number One (Noel's Weekend Vocal) | ||
3 | Number One (Noel's Weekend Dub) | ||
4 | Number One (Mixmaster Classic Club Mix) | ||
5 | Number One (Massive Hard Dub) |
Versions & labels (12)
DWA Records DWA 96.10 (CD)Blanco Y Negro BNCD-779 (CD, Maxi)
Blanco Y Negro BNCD-779 (CD, Maxi)
Blanco Y Negro MX 779 (12")
Panic Records 573 276.2 (CD, Single)
Panic Records 573 277.1 (12")
ZYX Music ZYX 8564-8 (CD, Maxi)
Numuzik NU-302 (12")
Numuzik NUCD-302 (CD, Maxi)
Popular Records CRAB 12163-1 (12", Promo)
Popular Records 01624-12163-2 (CD, Maxi)
Popular Records CRDJ-12163-2 (CD, Promo)