nokia Phone melodies
Here you will find some Eurodance phone
melodies for your Nokia phone
Instead of wasting your money downloading melodies that everybody has...
Customize your mobile phone for free with your favourite eurodance hit
All you need is your fingers and a mobile phone which includes a melody composer.
French notes | English notes | Keypress |
Do | C | 1 |
Ré | D | 2 |
Mi | E | 3 |
Fa | F | 4 |
Sol | G | 5 |
La | A | 6 |
Si | B | 7 |
Raccourcit la note | Shortens the note | 8 |
Rallonge la note | Lenghtens the note | 9 |
Un octave plus haut | One octave higher | * |
Dièse |
Semi-tone up |
# |
Pause |
Pause |
0 |
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All melodies
Nokia melodies
Ericsson melodies
Alcatel melodies
Motorola melodies
Panasonic melodies .
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