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by Zeljko Vujkovic

Zelko : Hi Alexia. My name is Zeljko, I'm from Croatia and I am a writer for the music magazine Final Impact. You are a great, young and beautiful singer and this is a very big pleasure to make an interview with you. Please, could you introduce yourself ? Tell me something about you as a kid, how did you start singing, did you have some musicians who inspired you etc. ?

Alexia : I was born in La Spezia (Italy). As a small child I began singing in various places of my hometown. during this time I entered and won more than fifty competitions, achieving the title of "little wonder". At the age of seven, I began studying piano and voice at school. at the age of twelve, I studied dance and, in the meantime, I carried on doing shows, becoming familiar with the stage and live crowds. After school I sang with some professional groups, performing in numerous discos.


At school, what kind of music did you listen to ?

Every kind, but in particular rhythm and blues (Aretha Franklin).

I read in your interview on the web that you knew that Roberto Zanetti, before you met him, was making disco songs. It is Italo-disco style of music. Have you watched other italo disco artists, Radiorama, Ken Laszlo, Den Harrow, Fred Ventura for example ? You know, I am a very big fan of Savage and Italo disco.

I was a big fan of Savage and Italo-disco !

What do you think about the Italian disco production (Italo-disco) in the 80's ?

It was a very good period with very talented artists. I like very much that style, it's like a father of my music.

How did you meet Roberto Zanetti ?

His sister Viviana had heard me by chance singing in a disco with my group and told him about me. The following evening he came to hear me and asked if I would like to go into the studio to do some demos.

You know, when I heard for the first time song Take Away The Colour by Ice MC, I stayed 'puff' because of the great, harmonical, breezy voice of the female singer. At the beginnig I didn't know the great voice I heard was your voice. You have a marvelous voice, Alexia. In what way you exercise your voice ?

My secret is : exercising daily and keeping it as a habit.

Do you like working with other artists ?
Yes. I work alongside artists who take their work very seriously and that's fundamental.
Do you have a wish to make a duo with some singers, and if you do, with whom ?

Oh Dear, yes : Luciano Pavarotti !

Alexia, how does your working day look ?

A day in the studio starts late and ends late ! I go to the studio at about 14.00 in the afternoon. It's best to go in at that time as a singing voice is much more relaxed, warmer and easier to work with compared to the morning. Try outs of new songs are sung accompanied by Roberto Zanetti on piano. It is here that songs are born. Remember : a good song "sounds good" simply being sung accompanied on piano. A studio schedule would look something like this :
14.00 : I arrive at the casablanca studios. I sing in the afternoon accompanied by Roberto Zanetti on piano.
18.00 : coffee break in a nearby bar.
18.30 : lyrics are put together with the music. This is a very long process because the lyrics have to ring well with the music.
22.00 : there's a pizza break and afterwards an extremely tired Alexia, finally leaves to go home to bed ! This probably doesn't seem much, but a day in the studio can be exhausting ! Time flies ! There is no set working time, so when you have finished you can go home.

Do you have enough spare time ? What is your occupation during spare time ?

Spare time... Such bliss !! Can I admit to it? I love shopping. I love food and clothes shopping. Usually with being so busy, I never find the time to do the food shopping the way I'd really like to and so I end up asking my family for a helping hand. I really prefer to do it all on my own because recipes come to mind when I'm walking through the aisles of the supermarket ! As for clothes, I love to rumage through the new arrivals as I'm a bit of a spendthrift, but even so, I'm very careful about what I buy.

Do you like to go on tour ?

I love to travel, so I'm always on tour in different parts of the world. It's so emotional to step foot in a country where you have never been before. I remember my first ever concerts in America and Australia so well. In Finland it was very special to sing at midnight with the sun still high in the sky.

I read you like San Remo Festival and you would like to be on it as a guest. Don't you wanna be on that festival as a competitor ?

No, because I don't want to sing in Italian language : to be a competitor you have to sing in that way.

I saw San Remo 2000, and for me the best one was Spagna with her very beautiful song, also Alice, Matia Bazar were pretty good. How did you like San Remo 2000 ?

I loved all of the singers, but in particular Jenny B. she has a really strong and soul voice.

Alexia, what is your plans for the near future ? And further, of course.

To sing. Always.

Do you plan to visit your fans in Croatia ? You have a lot of fans here, you know ?

Why not ? Maybe next future. I'd like to take the advantage of thanking each and every one of them for all of the affection they give me.

I noticed you have a lot of fans outside Europe. I saw on the web that many people from Brasil admire you. By the way, the great singer and producer Fred Ventura, who worked with Roberto Zanetti on his song Don't You Want Me (1994), had a very big concert in Mexico as I know. I don't know, but do you think that many people in South America loves italian dance production ?

Yes, it's true. Italians are very famous in America for two genres of music: lyrical (Pavarotti /Bocelli) and dance (Eiffel 65 and many others).

Alexia, I know you love all your songs but is there any special song for you and why ?

I really don't know.

Do you have, for the end of this interview, something special to say ? Something exclusively maybe ?

I would like to thank all my Croatian friends who welcomed me and make me feel a special one. I'll never forget it !


© April 2000 Zeljko Vujkovic - All rights reserved
The Eurodance Encyclopaedia


AK Swift - by Tavi Meran

Aleph - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Alex - by KDJ

Alexia - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Alexia - by Tavi Meran

Alice Edun - by Tavi Meran

Ann Lee - by Tavi Meran

Anna Nordell - by Tavi Meran

Boney M - by Zeljko Vujkovic

C. Accatino - F. Rimonti - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Clara Moroni - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Claudia Cazacu - by Tavi Meran

DanceFronT - by KDJ

Denis Curman - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Dhany - by Ally

Domino - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Eddy Huntington - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Evi Goffin - by Tavi Meran

Franca Morgano - by Tavi Meran

Fred Ventura - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Gazebo - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Heidi Degn - by Tavi Meran

Iris Trevisan - by Klems

Jackie Bodimead - by Klems

Jenny B - by Tavi Meran

Jes - by Tavi Meran

Joy Peters - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Kelly O - by Klems

Kim Leoni - by Tavi Meran

Koto - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Kyra - by Tavi Meran

Layzee - by Tavi Meran

Letizia Pignagnoli - by Tavi Meran

Linda Rocco - by Tavi Meran

Linn - by Tavi Meran

Liza da Costa - by Tavi Meran

Luciana - by Tavi Meran

Lydia - by Tavi Meran

Marianne Festraets (AB Logic) - by Klems

Melody Castellari - by Tavi Meran

Nexx - by Tavi Meran

P. Lion - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Pamela Knight - by Cesar

Pandora - by Tavi Meran

Pernille Georgi (Me & My) - by Tavi Meran

Plavka - by Tavi Meran

Raquel Gomez - by Tavi Meran

René Behrens aka Diablo - by Tavi Meran

Sandy Chambers - by Tavi Meran

Savage (first interview) - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Savage (second interview) - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Sheila Fernandez - by Tavi Meran

Simone Angel - by Tavi Meran

Simone Pastore - by Blondiekat

Smile - by Tavi Meran

Spagna - by Tavi Meran

Sylvia Tosun - by Tavi Meran

T-seven - by Tavi Meran

Terri B - by Tavi Meran

The Twins - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Thea Austin - by Tavi Meran

Tom Hooker - by Zeljko Vujkovic

Verona - by Tavi Meran

Viviana - by Tavi Meran

Whigfield - by Tavi Meran

Ysa Ferrer - by Tavi Meran

ZoOom - by KDJ

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